Tuesday, October 9

Dour Smiles

My roomie got married last week, she embodies a typical Tamilian woman from a small fishing hamlet, a village tucked far away whose life is in flux just as the city she now lives in. Busy with her career,she crossed the unholy threshold of 35 years of age, sacrilege for a young single working woman - especially one working in the metro Chennai too far away for the village elders to keep an eye on her. Their tongues conjured up gossip their eyes couldn't see. Some well meant meddling from her boss set the record straight. She set her up with a family friend and few days later love was in the air and wedding bells rang in the distance. Both of them were mature successful people but awkward when it came to romance - it was very cute! I tried hard to keep a straight face when she whispered sweet nothings to her fiancee in front of me assuming I did not understand Tamil :P - I was happy for her, but sometimes I really wished she would take the calls elsewhere :P The wedding was a quick, small, intimate, elegant and beautiful affair. She looked amazing! I guess the happiness and the whole 'bridal glow' does make a difference. I didnt know anyone else at the wedding and busied myself people & custom watching.
One phenomenon I noticed was, each time the couple were photographed they had such severe dour expressions as if they were proud hostages of some mishap. The moment the camera was off, they smiled and greeted who ever was congratulating them...was entertaining.. :) Alas, Love does conquer all :)

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